The story: Professor Savel Daniels told News24 that the Theuns du Toit incident – where he urinated over the belongings of fellow Stellenbosch University student Babalo Ndwayana – "triggered" him, given his own experiences, and he believes it's time for deans of departments to have ongoing, uncomfortable conversations about racism with people, and not just once-off discussions.
The details: The incident brought back suppressed memories of Daniels' own experiences of racism, even as a highly-regarded professor, like the time he was called the k-word by a professor who does not work at the university anymore. He also said he, as well as other colleagues of colour, had to absorb subtle slights and being belittled and patronised at the institution.
The background: In the wake of the urination incident, Stellenbosch University was confronted with demands that Du Toit be expelled. It announced that it would hold an inquiry into racism and the general culture at the university. Further details of that are yet to be announced.